What is “The Sundry 7”?


Over the years, this blog has undergone many renovations including, most recently, a name change.

Always, I have written on a wide range of topics and I like it that way, since I’m a notorious interest-hopper. The sort-of-new direction in which I’ve decided to take the blog (beginning late September, 2016) embraces this rather flitty tendency while adding a bit of structure.

I introduce: The Sundry 7.

Once a week, you’ll find a blog post on…something. It could be health, or spirituality, or cooking, or politics (but probably not). But regardless of the topic, each post will always consist of a short (ish) introduction followed by seven items. The Sundry Seven – get it?

So buckle up for one very random ride. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy penning!

Existing Sundry 7 Posts:

Reconsidering Your First Impression

Things To Make You Happy (coming soon)